User Interface
Your body text Is too small
An indepth look at the size and characteristics of body text. Certainly features a few debatable areas.
The art of writing microcopy
Highlighting the importance of microscopy and some useful tips and examples. Not just for copywriters, any UXer can benefit from reading this.
The Thumb Zone: Designing for mobile users
A good summary of and findings showing what, and when, to consider your interactive elements on mobile in relation to thumb actions.
When card UI design doesn’t work
Examples shown highlighting the positives and negatives of Card based UIs.
The Most Innovative UX Of The Year, In 18 Projects
Some brilliant examples of UCD. A few items definitely going on my Xmas list...
Dos and don'ts on designing for accessibility
Great guidance, and infographics, on the recommendations for each of the core disabilities.
Careers in UX: How different organizations approach user experience design
Client side or agency side, that's the question - or is it?