User Interface
The UX case against the home button
Do you really need a home link in your main nav? This article explains the benefits of removing it but more importantly the obvious caveats that come with the removal.
Obvious Always Wins
Great article that looks at the challenge of where and how to place menus on a mobile design. A must-read for UX/UI designers.
Pigeonhole Roles: A Front End Developer’s Quest For User Research
The benefits of user research from a developers perspective. A good one to share with any of your techie colleagues.
Test Paper Prototypes to Save Time and Money: The Mozilla Case Study
A detailed look at how Mozilla, with the help of Neilsen Norman, used lo-fi paper prototypes for rapid testing of multiple iterations of their support pages.
7 Effective Ecommerce Product Pages: How to Turn Visitors into Customers
Some good examples of effective product pages and what specific elements help them convert into sales.
How to design award-winning websites
The title says it all - as a UXer you should be factoring the majority of these into your projects but there are a few gems that may not be considered.
How I Increased Lonely Planet’s In-App Purchase Revenue By 30% (Case Study Inside)
Great article highlighting the simplicity of manipulating (guiding) users to make your preferred choice.
UX portfolios need to be more Hollywood
Video can be a great alternative to the static portfolio - IF done well.